What does the
Ave Maria Foundation do?

We support the organizations listed below, which bring Catholic life and culture to the world.

We are not accepting any financial requests at this time.

Supported Organizations:

Ave Maria University <www.avemaria.edu>

Ave Maria University is a vibrant Catholic university located in beautiful southwest Florida. It is an academic institution that pledges faithfulness to the teachings of the Church and is committed to providing one of the finest classical liberal arts curricula available.

Learn more about the Scholarships available at  Ave Maria University

Click the link below to learn more about Ave Maria University’s

extensive academic offerings:

Ave Maria Catholic University | Majors & Minors | Newman Guide School

Click the links below to learn more about Ave Maria University’s

athletic opportunities and events:

Athletics at Ave Maria | A Newman Guide Catholic University

Visit AMU | Ave Experience | In Person or Online | Ave Maria Catholic University

Ave Maria School of Law  <www.avemarialaw.edu>

Ave Maria School of Law offers a rigorous legal education enriched by the Catholic moral tradition and faithful to the Magisterium. New lawyers for a New Century - Legal Excellence, Moral vision.

Ave Maria School of Law Scholarships

Ave Maria Radio <www.avemariaradio.net>

Catholic radio - on the air and the internet!

Legatus <www.legatus.org>

Bringing opportunities for Faith to the Business World. 

Thomas More Law Center <www.thomasmore.org>

Legal support for Christian ideals in society.